Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Home 5 weeks today! Luke has had a stuffy nose for a couple days, which explains the restless nigh Monday. Since he is very interested in 'teeth' right now, and loves to stick his finger in our mouths to point out 'teeth', I hope we can ward off the germs he shared:)

We are looking forward to a visit from Grandma Joan and our friends Isaac & Sara from Ohio this weekend. The weather has heated back up, so they may get some mid-90s while they are here. I think the cooler weather is right behind, and here to stay for awhile soon.

Some of these pics are from Grandma Becky's visit. His first experience with lasagna was a big hit... until a little tummy-ache at bedtime reminded us all about the importance of portion control:) He tried on his Tigger outfit, getting ready for Halloween. He also shows off his 80's hair band 'do in the upper right picture, and the last one appears to be trying out moves for Melanie's wedding.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Aaron & LeAnn . . . Lucas is adorable, we're so very happy for both of you!! Tigger for Halloween?? What happened to Brett Favre, Oh . . . .

Jason Miller & Stacie Codr