Friday, October 10, 2008

Well, we've been home for over 4 weeks now--4 weeks on Wednesday. We are so thankful every single day to be done with this process, knowing that there are still hundreds of others waiting to bring their little ones home.

We decided to make the move to the crib for nighttime, and Luke seems to be doing fine with that. He woke up the first night, but snoozed all night last night. No real change from his nighttime habits before. I know we are sleeping better without hearing every little rustle and grumble!!


Nikki said...

Just wanted to make sure you got my email with your new blog!


Anna Cluxton said...

Love the new site and thanks for the chout out on your blog roll! The new photos with the little, ahem, hair trim, are so precious! Can't believe he's toddling around!!

Daphne said...

Welcome home!