Thursday, October 23, 2008

First hike! And fun visitors...

We enjoyed a long weekend of visitors: my mom, Joan, was here for a few days, and some Ohio friends, Isaac and Sara, also spent the weekend with us. With all that extra attention, Luke got to work on his one-handed-walking quite a bit, and has become much steadier. He's now letting go just BRIEFLY when standing. With his increasing mobility, we are also having more wipe-outs (all minor, but I hate to see the little tumble, followed by big cry, and sometimes accompanied by a little cut on the inside of his lip). I guess it goes with the territory.
Luke also learned a good 'cheese-ball' face this weekend--see above pic:)

We decided to head to Sedona with the guests, and rented a sweet Toyota mini-van for the trip. Despite Aaron's initial resistance, he actually was quite fond of the vehicle. I'm sure we'll have to upsize soon, if we plan to ever have anyone ride with us anywhere. Time to start checking options. We hiked at Cathedral Rock. Beautiful day, great hike. If you look closely, you can see Isaac and Aaron walking. We can call this Luke's first hike, though baby Allgood has already done a couple since moving here.

Our US this morning looked great--all the parts are in place and look normal.


Anonymous said...

Your son is sooo cute!!!!!

Anna Cluxton said...
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Anna Cluxton said...

I see a little popoch! Glad to see the US is great and you look soooo healthy!! I am sure Luke loved the hike and all teh extra attention from visitors.
Fall down go boom is not so bad when you have mommy right there to pick you up :)