Monday, October 27, 2008

first steps

Luke got decked out in the Tigger suit over the weekend and hit the base Halloween party. It ran over into bedtime, but he did well.

He also has taken his first steps independently. Mostly between mama and dad, just one or two at a time, yesterday and today. He also took a couple steps between furniture yesterday. I'm not sure that he knows that he's doing so yet. His typical reaction to 'no hands' is to sit down, but once he figures out that he is actually mobile, he'll be cruising.

He's such a sweet boy--we are so thankful to have him here!


Anonymous said...

mOm put those running shoes on!!!!!!! LOL I love Lucas Tigger Costume!


Unknown said...

"He also took a couple steps between furniture yesterday." sounds like a game of Shark to me. :-P

Highfieldfamily said...

You three look VERY HAPPY! Glad to see how Luke has grown. He looks SOOO cute in his tigger outfit!
Jim Darla and Abe