Thursday, December 24, 2009

Celebrating Christmas in the desert

We are staying home for Christmas. Although it's terrific not to have to travel at this busy time, it is sad not to "go home" for Christmas and be with our families. Thanks to web-cams and the miracle of "the internet" we'll at least be able to Skype for the holidays.
We've been taking the kids out for a walk after supper to look at the Christmas lights in the neighborhood. Lots of Santas, snowmen, and inflatables. A pretty nice series of displays, which still seem a bit out of place with saguaros in the background. No snow, obviously. But that also means no ice, no scrapers, no winter weather advisories, no treacherous winter driving, and no sub-zero temps. We don't miss that part of the mid-west. Luke and Anabel love the light-walks. We sing Christmas songs and point out every Santa. Luke especially loves the Santa in the choo-choo. He likes to sing "la la la la la" (Deck the Halls) and "" (Jingle Bells). Sometimes when we start to sing other songs, he cuts in with "Sop, sop, sop" (stop), and then instructs us to go back to a 6th round of Jingle Bells.
Luke made cookies at Miss Etta's (his daycare) yesterday, and brought them home on a little foil-covered plate. Walking in the door, he pronounced "Sah, eat" (Santa, eat). When asked, he replied that no, they were not for mama, or dad, or Zach, or anyone else to eat. "Sah, eat." He then moved them all over the house. Under the tree, on the counter, next to his toys, back to the tree... Eventually, the foil was off, the cookies were spilled, and baby sister was sitting in the living room munching on a little corner of one of the cookies. We now have red cookie crumbs mashed into the carpet waiting to be cleaned up. We're hoping Santa doesn't notice that the cookies have already been sampled when he stops by.

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